Princesse Paya of Golden Fall

Parents: Ganwales Duchess Claire of Golden Fall x Rosselle Keanu for Romidas

HD A/A ED 0/0


Princesse Seri of Golden Fall

Eltern: Ganwales Duchess Claire of Golden Fall x Rosselle Keanu for Romidas

HD A/A ED 0/0


Princesse Kaya of Golden Fall

Eltern: Ganwales Duchess Claire of Golden Fall x Rosselle Keanu for Romidas

HD B/B ED 0/0, Eyes: ok (7.6.09)
Test of caracter: follow


Princesse Devi of Golden Fall

Parents: Ganwales Duchess Claire of Golden Fall x Rosselle Keanu for Romidas

HD A/A ED 0/0, Eyes: ok
Test of caracter won't do.


Prince Ever of Golden Fall

Parents: Ganwales Duchess Claire of Golden Fall x Rosselle Keanu for Romidas

HD A/A ED 0/0, Eyes: ok

DNA Test (PDF)


Motions for Ivy of Golden Fall

Parents: Ganwales Duchess Claire of Golden Fall x Xanthos Gryffindor

HD B/B ED 0/0, Eyes: ok, 16.4.07, Test of caracter: existed (85 p.)

Show results:
> La Sarraz, 16.7.06, BOS and Best Puppy in Show, judge Mrs. Lynn Anderson
> Cani Bulle vp.1. place, best Puppy and Puppy in Show, judge F.Flügel and L.Pichard BPIS
> RCS-Show, Avenches, 10.9.06, vp 1. Best female puppy, best puppy, best puppy in show, judge Mrs. Sue Almey
> Animalia Lausanne, 14.10.06,, very promissing
> Animalia Lausanne, 15.10.06,, very promissing, best Puppy of breed
> CHRISTMAS-SHOW RCS Aargau, Wettingen, 4.12.06, Jüngstenklasse, VP,
> IHA Fribourg, 10. 2. 07, 2. EXC. RES.CAC, judge: Mr. R. Sillence (GB)
> IHA Fribourg, 11. 2. 07, SG, Jugendklasse, judge: E. Nielsen
> Animalia St. Gallen, 12. 5. 07, 3. sg, judge: Mrs. S. Jarmer, Austria
> Animalia St. Gallen, 13. 5. 07, 3. sg, judge: Mrs. F. Marshall, GB


CH. Motions for Jason of Golden Fall

Parents: Ganwales Duchess Claire of Golden Fall x Xanthos Gryffindor

HD A/A ED 0/0, Eyes: i.O., 16.4.0, Test of caracter: existed (93 Punkte), Formwert:vorzüglich

Jason is TOP STUD DOG 2010 !!

Show results:
> La Sarraz, 16.7.06,, very promessing, judge: Mrs. Lynn Anderson
> RCS-Show, Avenches, 10.9.06, vp 1 and best puppy male, judge: judge Mrs. Sue Almey
> Animalia Lausanne, 14. 10. 06, 1. very promissing and Best Puppy of breed
> CHRISTMAS-SHOW RCS Aargau, Wettingen, 4. 12 .06, Jüngstenklasse, VP, 2. place
> IHA Fribourg, 10. 2. 07, SG, Jugendklasse, judge: Mr. R. Sillence (GB)
> IHA Fribourg, 11. 2. 07, 2. EXC. RES.CAC, judge, E. Nielsen
> Animalia St. Gallen, 12. 5. 07, 2. Exc. Res.CAC, judge: Frau S. Jarmer, Österreich
> Animalia St. Gallen, 13. 5. 07,4. Exc., judge: Mrs. F. Marshall, GB
> Puppy & Veteran Show Montricher, 26. 5. 07, Junior-1-Klasse 1. Exc., judge M. Marc Vallois
> Journée familiale Montricher, 27. 5. 07, Yearling-Klasse, 3. Exc., judge Mme. Josette Germain
> Exposition National Cani'Bulle, 30. 6. 07, 1. Exc. CAC, Jugendklasse, judge: Mme. Neuburger (CH)
> Retriever Club Show, Bulle, 1. 7. 07, Exc., Jugendklasse, judge: Mme. Liggins (GB)
> National Lémanique, Avenches, 24. 9. 07, V2, Res.CAC, judge: Mrs.Sue Towers (GB)
> Animalia Lausanne, 20. 10. 07, exc. 3. place, judge: Mr. Hancock
> Animalia Lausanne, 21. 10. 07, exc. 3. place, judge: Mr. Marc Vallois
> Weihnachtsausstellung RCS, Wettingen, 9. 12. 07, exc., Mr. H. Fryckstrand
> IHA in Fribourg, 23. 2. 08, 1. Exc. CAC & Res. CACIB, Zwischenklasse, judge: Mme. L. Lehtonen (Majik)
> IHA in Fribourg, 24. 2. 08, 3. Exc., Zwischenklasse, judge: Mme. M. Holm-Hansen (Tallygold)
> Int. Rasse-hundeausstellung, Offenburg, 15. 3. 08, V1, (1. Anw. dt. CH. VDH), judge: Mme. M. Huber (Ö)
> Retriever Club Show, Frauenfeld, 20. 4. 08, Exc, Offene Klasse, judge: Mrs. J. Frankland (GB)
> Int. Rassehunde-Ausstellung Saarbrücken, 12. 5. 08, SG, Offene Klasse, judge: Herr W. Schicker (D)
> IHA St. Gallen, 17. 5. 08, SG, Offene Klasse, judge: Mrs. A. Woodcock (GB)
> IHA St. Gallen, 18. 5. 08, Exc., Offene Klasse, judge: Frau V. Banbery
> IHA Luzern, 21. 6. 08, 3. Exc., Offene Klasse, judge: Frau Rosmarie Wild (CH)
> L'Expo des 3 Lacs Avenches, 27. 9. 08, VG, V. Burns (Abnalls)
> La Romandie Avenches, 28. 9. 08, VG, M. Everet-Monks (Lorinford)
> La Romandie Avenches, 28. 9. 08, SG, M. Everet-Monks (Lorinford)
> Animalia Lausanne, 19.10.08 , Exc.3 offene Klasse, Richterin: Sue Ross (GB)
> Retriever-Weihnachtsausstellung Wettingen, 7.12.08, Exc.2 Res.CAC, Richterin: Mrs. Lynne Hennessy
> IHA Fribourg, 21. 9.09, Exc.1 CAC, offene Klasse, Richter: M.K.-E.Johansson (Schweden)
> Animalia St.Gallen, 17. 5.09, Exc.2 Res.CAC, Richterin: Heather Morss (Xanthos)
> L`Expo des 3 Lacs, Avenches, 26. 9.09, Exc.1 CAC Best Male BOS, Richter: Wilde (Belgien)

One's own homepage:


Motions for Buddy of Golden Fall

Parents: Ganwales Duchess Claire of Golden Fall x Xanthos Gryffindor

HD A/A ED 0/0


Nice-Girl Juma of Golden Fall

Parents: Ganwales Duchesse Claire of Golden Fall x Xanthos Just in Time

HD A/A ED 0/0


Nice-Boy Elshiro of Golden Fall

Parents: Ganwales Duchesse Claire of Golden Fall x Xanthos Just in Time

HD B/B ED 0/0


Nice-Boy Justin of Golden Fall

Parents: Ganwales Duchesse Claire of Golden Fall x Xanthos Just in Time

HD A/C ED 0/1


Nice-Boy Leon of Golden Fall

Parents: Ganwales Duchesse Claire of Golden Fall x Xanthos Just in Time

HD A/A ED 0/0


Nice-Boy Amy of Golden Fall

Parents: Ganwales Duchesse Claire of Golden Fall x Xanthos Just in Time

HD A/A ED 0/0


Nice-Boy Tango of Golden Fall

Parents: Ganwales Duchesse Claire of Golden Fall x Xanthos Just in Time

HD A/A ED 0/0


Nice-Girl Bonnie of Golden Fall

Parents: Ganwales Duchesse Claire of Golden Fall x Xanthos Just in Time

HD A/A ED 0/0
Test of caracter follow


Nice-Boy Jo of Golden Fall

Parents: Ganwales Duchesse Claire of Golden Fall x Xanthos Just in Time

HD A/A ED 0/0
